The Doctor has encountered so many brilliant villains on his travels – and sometimes they look just like us, making them even more scary than usual.
Remember scheming Margaret Slitheen and the absorbing Victor Kennedy? Innocent enough at first – they were actually terrible monsters in disguise!
In this week’s Doctor Who Adventures, out on Thursday, we look at the top 10 list of the universe’s most wanted… essential reading in case you ever run into one of them.
The issue comes with a special Doctor Who monster notebook and pen – perfect for jotting down notes of your adventures and alien sightings!
- Posters: The Beast from The Satan Pit, loads of villains and a creepy Cyber creator poster of John Lumic.
- Tales from the TARDIS: The Master captures the Doctor.
- The Ultimate Guide to Doctor Who – a look at Love & Monsters to Doomsday.
- Quiz: will you get maximum points in our Max Capricorn quiz?
- Why we love... villains in Doctor Who.
- Comic strip: Part one of a new comic strip – Reign of the Stone Monkey.
- Make: a mask of our top villain and a fantastic model of Dalek Sec!
- Time Teasers: help Bloodtide and Doomfinger with this week’s word search and other brilliant puzzles.
- Who knows! Your questions answered.
- Win: loads of Doctor Who goodies!
- Subscription offer: subscribe and get a free Cyberman watch!
It will certainly be a good issue this week :)
Great post, I got my issue on the day of release :D
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