Thursday, 31 January 2008

Doctor Who Adventures 49

The cover for the latest Doctor Who Adventures magazine has now been released. Information regarding this issue has also been revealed and can be seen below. The latest cover featuring the 5th and 10th Doctor can also be seen below.

Create a monster for Doctor Who Adventures!

In this week’s issue of Doctor Who Adventures, out Thursday 31 January, there’s a fantastic new competition to create a monster for our comic strip. The winner will appear with their creation in an exclusive comic strip in a future issue of the magazine.

Moray Laing, Editor of Doctor Who Adventures, says:

“We can’t wait to see loads of new monsters! From the letters and drawings we get, we know how much Doctor Who Adventures readers enjoy drawing pictures of the many creatures that appear in the series.

“But with this great new comp, readers get the chance to create their very own – plus the winner will appear in an exclusive comic strip story along with their yucky monster!

“The Doctor Who Adventures team is prepared to be scared – so get drawing and no monster is too big or too small!”

News! We reveal the winner of our life-size Dalek comp and there’s news of classic Doctor Who repeats on UKTV Drama.
Fact file The Fifth Doctor. Discover some of his traits, get the lowdown about his time as the Doctor and find out how he appeared in Time Crash.
Tales from the TARDIS Debbie Chazen (also known as Foon van Hoff) tells us her favourite scene from Voyage of the Damned.
This week’s activity Learn how to stomp like a Judoon and make your own special Judoon scanner!
Who’s where? Monsters have invaded the TARDIS! Oh no!
Comic strip Part 2 of Hot Metal, where the Doctor is trapped inside a newspaper…
Secrets How the Doctor jumped through a mirror on a horse.
Quiz Can you beat the Master in his Slitheen quiz?
Doctor’s Data The Futurekind.
Time Agent Upload Featuring reader drawings and photographs.
Exclusive posters! Martha and the Scarecrows, the Fifth and Tenth Doctor, and Morvin and Foon.
Win More cool prizes!
Who knows? Your Doctor Who questions answered.
Puzzles! Fun with Bloodtide and Doomfinger.
It comes with a free monster pencil and eraser set – featuring two of the scariest monsters in Doctor Who – the Daleks and the Weeping Angels. Scares guaranteed!

Wednesday, 30 January 2008

Sprechen Sie Deutsch? Now the Doctor Does . . .

DOCTOR WHO has been sold for German viewers and will be re-dubbed into German, BBC Worldwide have announced today. They have done a deal with broadcaster ProSieben, which has licensed the first two series.

The character of Rose will be voiced by Maren Rainer. Maren has previously provided Scarlett Johansson's voice for the hit movie "Lost In Translation", when it was released in Germany. Frank Roth will voice the ninth Doctor (Christopher Eccleston), in the dubbed version. A voice for the tenth Doctor (David Tennant), is yet to be announced.

Isabelle Helle of BBC Worldwide said: “The show has gone to 16 countries. We are excited German viewers can enjoy the Time Lord’s adventures.”

Sunday, 27 January 2008

Bad Wolf PR You Tube Channel

If you did not know already Bad Wolf PR actually has it's own You Tube channel. On this channel i upload Doctor Who, and related shows, music videos, fan made trailers, and many more. You can view this channel by Clicking Here and I'd be very grateful if you could check out some of my videos. All clips used on these videos are © Copyright to The BBC.

Saturday, 26 January 2008

Sarah Jane Is Back?

For those who wish to not be spoiled for Doctor Who Series 4 I suggest you look away now.

Yesterday Bad Wolf PR reported that John Barrowman who plays Captain Jack Harkness will be returning to Doctor Who for Series 4. There has also been speculation to whether Elizabeth Sladen, who plays Sarah Jane Smith, will be returning in Series 4. Well now we have even more proof of this thanks to her recent interview with SFX Magazine. Here is what Elizabeth had to say:

“You must know how many people are in it," she says, referring to the number of special guests from the Doctor’s (recent) past who, it's been confirmed, will be making reappearances alongside Sarah Jane.

"So I don't think I'll be at the centre of things. I would think it would be apportioned off, a bit here a bit there, and the major people will be the Doctor and Donna. That is my take on it. We are coming back to reinforce an already established team. So I don’t think I’ll be leading the group, if you know what I mean! I think there will be a distinct kind of sectioning and apportioning off. Because you can only do so much with so many people."

This interview seems to confirm the rumours that their will be a all star finale with some of the Doctor's companions. Remember though it hasn't been confirmed which episode she will be in, so it could or could not be the finale.

Friday, 25 January 2008

Captain Jack Is Back?

For those who wish to not be spoiled for Doctor Who Series 4 I suggest you look away now.

Recently their has been speculation whether John Barrowman will be in Series 4 of Doctor Who and reprising his role as Captain Jack Harkness. Well thanks to John Barrowman's newly released autobiography it has been confirmed in his recording schedule that he will be in Doctor Who Series 4. John Barrowman is currently starring in the Doctor Who spin-off Torchwood which is being shown weekly at 9.00pm on BBC 2. Although we do not know which episode he will be appearing in be sure that Bad Wolf PR will update you on this as soon as we hear it.

Thursday, 24 January 2008

Kingston And Salmon

The BBC Press Office has now revealed that the actors Alex Kingston and Colin Salmon will both appear in Series 4 of Doctor Who. Alex will play a character called River Song however Colin's character is still yet to be revealed. These two will both appear in Steven Moffat's two part story which is currently being filmed by the BBC. Alex Kingston has previously appeared in the television drama series E.R. Colin's has previously appeared in many films including the James Bond films Tomorrow Never Dies, The World Is Not Enough and Die Another Day: He also appeared in the first Alien Vs Predator film .

Wednesday, 23 January 2008

There's Something Of A Wolf About You?

We are now pleased to reveal, as you may have noticed, that Bad Wolf PR is officially back and back in business. Bad Wolf PR is back with a new design which i hope you will like and find it a refreshing change. This new Bad Wolf PR will update you on all the latest Doctor Who news from the new series to merchandise and reviews to the classic series: Bad Wolf PR will be with you every step of the way. Unlike last time i will be joined by contributors and so far Robert has agreed to help out. We are also on the look out for more contributors so if your interested please comment in the section below. Finally if you would like to see how Bad Wolf PR used to look then Click Here. That seems to be it for now so make sure you keep visiting this site and keep checking for updates.

Monday, 21 January 2008

Episode Guide

Here is a complete episode guide for the new series of Doctor Who. This space will be updated as we learn more episode names.

Series 1

1: Rose
2: The End Of The World
3: The Unquiet Dead
4: Aliens Of London
5: World War Three
6: Dalek
7: The Long Game
8: Father's Day
9: The Empty Child
10: The Doctor Dances
11: Boom Town
12: Bad Wolf
13: The Parting Of The Ways

Series 2

X: The Christmas Invasion
1: New Earth
2: Tooth And Claw
3: School Reunion
4: The Girl In The Fireplace
5: Rise Of The Cybermen
6: The Age Of Steel
7: The Idiots Lantern
8: The Impossible Planet
9: The Satan Pit
10: Love And Monsters
11: Fear Her
12: Army Of Ghosts
13: Doomsday

Series 3

X: The Runaway Bride
1: Smith And Jones
2: The Shakespeare Code
3: Gridlock
4: Daleks In Manhattan
5: Evolution Of The Daleks
6: The Lazarus Experiment
7: 42
8: Human Nature
9: The Family Of Blood
10: Blink
11: Utopia
12: The Sound Of Drums
13: Last Of The Time Lords

Series 4

X: Voyage Of The Damned
1: Partners In Crime
2: The Fires Of Pompeii
3: Planet Of The Ood
4: The Sontaran Stratagem
7: The Unicorn And The Wasp
8: Silence In The Library
10: Midnight